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HFOOAD Chapter 4 – The Real World

New kind of thinking

It is really interesting to think about your application in a real world scenario. I am currently developing a mobile app and so far we’ve only tested it in a controled environment. As a developer, you know how your application works and you know the steps to replicate a bug if you do some silly thing and it is the case that you ignore it thinking that your customer wouldn’t be dumb enough to emulate that. But I don’t think that’s the kind of thinking that the book tries to encourage.

Bark recognizer

I really didn’t like the implementation of the bark recognizer. I don’t think the software should be part of that process in the first place. The hardware should be in charge of this task. I think the hardware should only be capable of listening to sounds that have high intensity. That way, only dogs that are close enough to the machine can be recognized.


It is good to review the concept of delegation. I understand the concept of delegation. However, the implementations are not always clear to me. Delegation means to pass the work onto another class. This with the purpose of making your code independent of other classes. So changes on one object don’t require changes to other objects.

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