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SimSE gameplay


Installing the game was easy. The problem is the Java jdk. In a previous project for my advanced database systems (it’s not “advanced” actually, it’s just non-relational databases) I had to modify my JAVA_HOME path in my system variables. After fixing that I ran the game with no problem.


I played the XP and the waterfall versions.

Gameplay experience

I’ve never heard of a game like this so the experience was unique. I had no idea if what I was doing was good or not. I just went with my gut feelings. It was very fun because all of my classmates were struggling with it.

Difference between XP and waterfall

In the XP mode you had very little options so sometimes you couldn’t do anything except skiping to the next event. On the other hand, in the waterfall version, you had too much freedom. You could fire people, you could lower their wages and you could give them bonuses. I prefer the XP version because the waterfall version overwhelms me with choices.

I got a score of 25 in the XP version. I didn’t finish the waterfall version 😦

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